Life's Meaning
Have you ever wondered what the meaning of life is? I'm sure you have, we all have. Have you found the ever elusive answer?
42-- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Many of us believe we have. It varies from person to person. Lets examine some answers to the question: What is the meaning of Life?
Work now, play later. That is the path taken by many of us. From a young age, we study hard, as evidenced by the new century education system where we begin our journey of intellectual enlightment at a younger and younger age. As we grow older we start looking for part-time jobs. When we graduate from the highest level of tertiary education we can manage, we begin working full-time. It is at this stage we begin our life's quest -- to work our asses off earning money, saving it for the future. We suffer in the early half of our lives so that we can enjoy the later half of life. Enjoy? At age 60, would you still (reasonably) be having sex? Would you be doing beer bongs, smoking pot, partying like its 1999? Highly doubtful, as working so hard for 40 years turns you into an elderly bitter fellow. You'd probably have bladder and prostate problems. What about rheumatism? Ah, this is what life is meant to be.
Alcohol! Ah, man's ultimate friend. Youngsters and some oldies live life like its their last. How? By indulging often in the glory of alcohol. Beer bongs, kegs, beer parties, wines, spirits, vodka, cocktails, you name it. Often the consequences of years and years of alcoholism leads to the mentality that once you have almost unlimited experience in the ways of drinking alcohol, you feel that a night out is not a night out without binge drinking. But this is the way they live their lives, belief that one lives for alcoholic pleasure. Nothing wrong in that, except the disasterous oversight that alcohol can, and will kill you.
Alcohol, the cause of and solution to, all of life's problems.-- Homer Simpson
Sex sells sea shells by the sea shore. Pretty straight forward. Life exists to bring more life into the world. Right, bring into existance more people who will ask the same question as you did -- What is the meaning of Life? But this is not a concern here. The goal in this life is to have as much sex as you can. If this results in procreation, then thats an extra bonus (or not).So, what is the meaning of life to me? Its to ask what the meaning of life is. Think about it for a second. The meaning of life -- is to ask life's ultimate question. If it isn't, the why do we individuals ask such a question? There are many more answers to life's ultimate question. Its up to you to find your own answer, whether you do find one, thats your own problem.