Friday, August 18, 2006

Miss Match

What is with this female obsession? The need to match make one girl with one guy, one guy with one girl?

Many occasions have there been single guys matched with single girls, not by fate or chance meeting, but rather by the nudging of a mutual female friend. Is it because she genuinely feels that the two are a match and should be together? Or maybe it's because she feels sorry for the guy or girl. Now, I know that on occassion a guy might do a similar thing. Match make, I mean. But what you have to realise is that this particular guy probably has a female in him waiting to jump out and 'blossom'.

I'm not saying that everyone hates being match made, most of us probably appreciate it because you care enough. But you never know who you are being matched with -- worst case, a rapist ... maybe a psycho serial killer. The victims to a match make go along with your plans because they don't want to dissappoint you , or aviod being called a bitch or dick etc etc. Please realise that your perception of who has what in common with whom may be way off -- and the result, disaster!

So a word of caution then, when you match make, make sure you really know your victims.


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