Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Bigger Race

Racism is everywhere. There's no escaping it. Though it may not be voiced, it certainly is in our hearts. Since I am Asian, I will take the perspective of one.

It is the fear of diversity that brings about racism. The fear of not understanding the racial barriers, cultural and language alike. This is the bane of immigration. However, even if you're a second generation Asian born in America, you'll be classed as an American Born Chinese (ABC), etc. This happens everywhere else too.

Now, Asians understand the perils of racism more than others. But I don't see any Asians going around being all racist like. There are a few, yes, but there are more 'ang moh' (white people aka Europeans, also applies to Americans) that show this trait. For example, patronizing us by speaking slowly and clearly. What. The. Fuck. I can understand English thank you very much. Can't you gather that from the way I speak fluently and score higher than you in English Literature?! There are even those who assume we cannot speak English. Hell, we take the time to learn your language, maybe you should learn Mandarin, Japanese, Korean and then maybe we can talk down to you too. See how you like it. Dicks.

Since this will never happen, in this sense, I suppose we can claim that by not stooping to racist comments and acts like the 'ang moh' do, we show that we are the bigger race.

With regards to the 'Asian invasion', these 'ang moh' have to realize that without Asian immigration (esp. NZ), NZ would not have experienced the level of investment and economic boom it has. Sure this land may be a land of opportunity (somewhat), but so is the fast growing China, as well as the firmly established Japan and South Korea. So respect us like we respect you. We took the time to learn English, and some of us can fucking spell better than you 'ang moh' can. If racism continues, immigrants would be driven away, and the country might not reach its full potential. Then we'll see who lives in a shit hole now.

So learn this all ye racist bastards:
  • Don't think too highly of yourself because there are races who are smarter, faster, stronger.
  • No one wins being racist.
  • Feelings get hurt, hatred blooms, everyone suffers.
As the old Star Wars saying goes:
Fear leads to Anger. Anger leads to Hate. Hate leads to suffering.
-- Yoda, Star Wars


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