Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Jerks on the road

Warning, excessive vulgar language follows.

Don't you hate it when someone blocks your view at cinemas, concerts, etc.? How about at an intersection, when you can't see traffic from the left? Not so much of a problem when the cause is a small vehicle. But it becomes a bloody deathmatch when its a tall big ass vehicle, say an SUV or van. Now, I don't know about you, but speaking from experience, its fucking suicide to commit to making the turn when you can't see if there is oncoming traffic. Most big vehicle drivers (hereby asexually referenced to as dicks) drive like they own the road. Its bad enough that big vehicles (hereby referred to as penis(es)) are not see-through. Its especially bad when you edge forward a little to see more of the road and the dick does the same, blocking your view even more. But there is little more you can do, short of stepping out of your car and laying the fucking smackdown on the fucking dick and his fucking penis with a stick or rock or whatever removable object you can find at the time. Jerk!

Lets move on now to cyclists. Now, cyclists generaly are nice road people, at the mercy of penises. But they are a menace to pedestrians when they cycle on the pedestrian walk-way. I almost got killed once by a speeding cyclist riding on the pedestrian walk-way. Fucking hell! You fucking cyclists have your own reserved cycle lane. Fucking use it! A pedestrian walk-way is called a PEDESTRIAN fucking walk-way for a fucking reason. Respect that assholes!

On to pedestrians. When you cross the road, please cross at the traffic lights or zebra crossings or pedestrian crossings, or whatever they are now called. You put yourself at risk when you jay-walk* (jay-walking is illegal by the way). Yet I, as a motor vehicle driver, am expected to respect your right to cross the road, for fear of getting in trouble with the law should I 'accidentally' run you over, turn around and run you over again. Time and again we get news reports of pedestrians getting run over. But is it really always the driver's fault?
intr.v. jay·walked, jay·walk·ing, jay·walks
To cross a street illegally or in a reckless manner.
-- thefreedictionary.com


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